Sunday, June 22, 2008

We ride to spread information to the American public about the state of our society, economic activity, and nation and what we can change with attention and technology. We will cover 15 metropoli on our 6000 mile journey and distribute awareness and change to one hundred million Americans.

This epic journey will begin on and around July 4, 2008 Independence Day. We will leave from Massachusetts heading south and west. The first stop after Boston should be Amherst and Easthampton to visit good friends and the freedom community in the Happy Valley. The trip there is roughly 80 miles. Afterwards we will work to change Springfield, MA and Hartford, CT on our way to New York City and visit Ground Zero.

We will then trip south to change Philadelphia and Baltimore, and our journeys on the East Coast will end in Washington, DC, 500 miles south of our origin. We will speak at the steps of the nation's Capitol and the White House.

From there we turn inland through western Pennsylvania, where JP Morgan and David Rockefeller made their fortunes, towards Cleveland. We will ride on through Detriot or Cincinnati to spread information about new energy technologies that can replace coal and nuclear and gasoline fuels and then on to Chicago, 1500 miles from home.

After spreading truth in Chicago we will ride Lake Michigan to Milwaukee before turning west towards Madison or north towards Oshkosh and the Northern Lakes, and arrive in St.Paul/Minneapolis. The consumerist Mecca, Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, will be an easy place to spread information to many people at once while 2000 miles into our trip.

The trip west of Minnesota enters rural areas where we will visit the 2007 Lakota Indian secession and see Mount Rushmore in Keystone, South Dakota, another 650 miles out.

Picture: Mount Rushmore

We will ride south of Mount Rushmore to the Denver, Colorado area to spread truth to the Rockies. Mile high bicycling will be outstanding exercise for this 400 mile leg of the journey, bringing us about 3000 miles from home on a winding road to meet new friends.

Leaving Denver we will head 500 miles to Brigham Young's Salt Lake City, where I will investigate private sects and dispense mission critical information to Mormons and may float with minimal effort in the saline waters of the Great Salt Lake. To the west of the city and continuing into Nevada lies an enormous salt flat stretching hundreds of miles, and alien country.

We will trek north into Idaho 400 miles to Boise and another 500 miles on our journey to Portland, Oregon. Portland is at risk of a false flag nuclear attack by elements of the US Government/CIA/Mossad in an effort to send us to war with Iran before the end of the president's term. It is critical that this be prevented! Only 7% of America wants war with Iran. The Department of Defense has been planning war with Iran and wants "35%" approval before going.

Picture: The Makah Protect the Point

The Northwest corner of America in Washington is a magical place. The 4 corners of the nation and the areas shortly inside them have special magical energy on them. Cape Cod, Long Beach California representing, Key West, and the Washington Point are all amazing. Inside are Atlanta, New York, Las Vegas, and Portland. These are critical areas of the country and they hold our stability. To access the remote northwest corner we will bicycle 350 miles up the Pacific Coast through Aberdeen, birthplace of Kurdt Cobain, past the Olympic National Park, out to Neah Bay and the cape trail, 4250 miles into our voyage.

After this magical journey we will swing east and may strike Vancouver, British Colombia and ride through Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Mt Rainier and Mt St Helens National Parks. Portland and Salem and Eugene will greet us on our way down the Pacific Coast, or the waves of the ocean on Historic Route 101.

Entering California, we will spread information to Sacramento and the beautiful San Francisco, Los Gatos, Sausalito, San Jose, and take the amazing Pacific Highway Route 1 to Vandenberg Air Force Base and Los Alamos labs where science is spoken. We will notify Santa Barbara and Ventura on our way south to Los Angeles.

Picture: Los Angeles, the 80 mile triangle

South of Los Angeles lays San Diego, the end of our journey. The trip from Vancouver to San Diego is around 1700 miles. The total trip is around 6000 miles.

Some athletes go on endurance runs of 100 miles in 24 hours. The Davis Bicycle Club has races spanning 600km/366miles with a maximum time of 40 hours.

Picture: Davis Bicycle Club's Course

I expect to ride at least half of every day with a number of 'city days' spent distributing information in the Eastern Metropoli, Ohio, Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, Salt Lake City, Portland, Seattle, and down the Pacific Coast. 80 hours for 350 miles seems like a reasonable goal from this perspective. At that pace this trip will take 60 days. About the traditional 8 weeks prescribed for bicycling to California. Add a variable 2 weeks of city days and a week of days off gives us roughly 80 days of travel. You will never find a better or cheaper way to camp your way across America and help save the world.
